Art and culture 

Monfragüe Railway Village

The residential installations of the railway workers who brought modernity to the region in the form of trains can be found in the Monfragüe Biosphere Reserve.

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  2. Monfragüe Railway Village

The marks left by the arrival of Modern Times in Extremadura

Location and Contact:

Casatejada , Cáceres (Extremadura)
  • The residential installations of the railway workers who brought modernity to the region in the form of trains can be found in the Monfragüe Biosphere Reserve.

    The arrival of the railway to Extremadura brought about different changes in the morphology of the region, which have been passed down to the present. Both the "dehesas" or pasture lands and the river Tagus, which bathes this area, witnessed a transformation in the landscape which was covered in rails, bridges and tunnels. The residential installations where the railwaymen who worked here lived comprise what is known as the railway village.


  • Construction:
  • Traditional architecture
  • Industrial building

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