
Jerez de los Caballeros

Located between rivers and oak forests, its palaces and churches blend in with the legacy of Templars and the Order of Santiago.

Location and Contact:

Plaza de la Constitución, 4
06380 Jerez de los Caballeros , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • Located between rivers and oak forests, its palaces and churches blend in with the legacy of Templars and the Order of Santiago.

    The Toriñuelo dolmen suggests that the area had already been settled in pre-historic times. It was home to a considerable population in Roman times. The latter were followed by the Phoenicians and to a lesser extent by the Moors, all of whom left their mark on the town. Nevertheless, it was after the Christian reconquest and the founding of the Order of the Temple when the population and wealth of the district increased notably. After the dissolving of the Order, which left many a legend such as the cutting of all the knights' throats (an event which led to one of the city's bastions being called the Tower of Blood), Jerez de los Caballeros passed into the hands of the crown. In 1370, Henry II granted the town to the Order of St. James, which made great improvements to it.

    The streets and side-streets of Jerez de los Caballeros conceal religious monuments, stately palaces and traditional local architecture that should not be missed. Of the former, the 15th-century Gothic Church of San Bartolomé and the church of Santa María de la Encarnación are the most important in the town. The latter, moreover, is the oldest. It is attributed to the Visigoths as testified to by the carved inscription on one of its columns. Also worth a visit are the 15th-century Church of San Miguel and that of Santa Catalina (18th century), which stands in the "Barrio Bajo". The aforementioned are just some examples of a host of other buildings, chapels and convents that go to make up the religious heritage of the town.

    As regards the legacy of the Order of the Temple, which made this town one of its capitals, the wall particularly stands out, which originally had six gates, only two of which have come down to us today, the Puerta de la Villa and the Puerta de Burgos. The Citadel and the aforementioned Church of San Bartolomé were also built by the Knights Templar. If you feel like taking a rest on your stroll around the town, why not look in on some its parks, such as Parque de la Morería or the Parque de Santa Lucía, or pay a visit to the Corcho fountain? As regards the palaces that are dotted around the town, all of which are post-14th century and built by local nobles, don't miss out on a visit to the Casa del Sol, the Palacio de Guzmán Sotomayor, the Palacio de los Marqueses de San Fernando, the Palacio de Rianzuela, the Solar de los Condes de la Berrona or the old town council buildings in Plaza de España.

    The countryside around Jerez de los Caballeros also deserves your attention. If you're a nature lover, you will no doubt enjoy a walk around the area through which the Ardila river flows and around the Brovales and Valuengo wetlands. If you happen to be a birdwatcher, the trail that surrounds the latter is tailor made for you. There you will no doubt come across ducks, egrets and white-tailed eagles. After this type of activity, we recommend you get your strength back by savouring some traditional local cuisine, such as the "caldereta" (casserole), the delicious cured meats and the "pestiños de miel" (honey-covered fritters). Bet you'll you ask for seconds!

    It's always a good idea to visit Jerez in Easter Week, as this festivity has been declared a Festivity of National Tourist Interest.

  • Type:

    • Locality


    • Destinations

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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