
Llerena traditional extremaduran pig slaughter

This town in the administrative region called La Campiña Sur pays tribute to one of the most important moments of Extremaduran gastronomic culture: “la matanza” (the Slaughter). There is no shortage of typical pastries or dishes like migas (fried breadcrumbs), cocido (stew) and prueba de cerdo (cooked pork).

  1. Explore
  2. Fiesta de la Matanza Tradicional Extremeña de Llerena

A rite handed down from generation to generation

Location and Contact:

Plaza de España, 1
06900 Llerena , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • This town in the administrative region called La Campiña Sur pays tribute to one of the most important moments of Extremaduran gastronomic culture: “la matanza” (the Slaughter). There is no shortage of typical pastries or dishes like migas (fried breadcrumbs), cocido (stew) and prueba de cerdo (cooked pork).

    In early March, Llerena recreates and pays homage to the pig slaughter ritual, a symbol of the Extremaduran popular culture and identity. For centuries the sacrifice of this animal has been a very important moment for families because it made up a good part of their sustenance all year round.

    The Llerena Traditional Extremaduran Pig Slaughter Festival is held in the town centre, Plaza de España, where you will find the Iglesia Mayor de Nuestra Señora de Granada and the Town Hall, and seeks to faithfully follow the tradition handed down from generation to generation.

    The day starts early with a hearty breakfast, which also includes pastries made with lard, e.g. perrunillas, washed down with a glass of liquor.

    All day long people eat migas (fried breadcrumbs), cocido (stew) and probadillas (the raw meat that has been seasoned to make sausages and which must be tasted again and again until the taste is just right).

    As the matanza has always been a time of family and friends getting together, such a tough day is also livened up with music and, more specifically, traditional Extremaduran folk music.

    Not only does the event have a gastronomic purpose, but also a didactic one. In the Plaza de España the whole Ibérico pig quartering process is explained and different dishes are available for tasting.

    The town also boasts another festivity with deep historical roots. The inhabitants of Llerena are aware that following the Jew expulsion decree at the end of the 15th century, the town had a good number of Jewish converts. The best way to prove who had really converted to Christianity was to hold the pig slaughter outside on the street and in full view of all the neighbours.

    Centuries later, this rite is repeated in a festive way.

    PROGRAM 2023

    *Photos by courtesy of Llerena Town Council.

  • Type:
  • Event
  • Fair
  • Tourist Interest in Extremadura
  • Event subject:
  • Art
  • Show
  • Gastronomy
  • History
  • Music
  • Tourism
  • Start date:
    End date:


    • Events

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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