Art and Culture

Las Hurdes House Interpretation Centre

It is a journey into the history of Las Hurdes by discovering typical houses and finding out how people used to live

  1. Explore
  2. Centro de Interpretación de la casa hurdana

Art and Culture

Find out what the typical houses of this region were like, inside and outside

Location and Contact:

10627 El Gasco , Cáceres (Extremadura)
Opening times

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, long weekend and holiday
From 9:00h to 14:00h

  • It is a journey into the history of Las Hurdes by discovering typical houses and finding out how people used to live

    If you fancy discovering the private and popular past of this region, come to this interpretation centre. Situated in a typical house of Las Hurdes, which has been fully restored, from the roof down to each one of the rooms. From the stables to the kitchen, it has all been set out as it used to be so you can see how people used to live, as well as the customs and traditions of this area. You'll also be able to discover the reasons for this architecture and its peculiar features.

  • Theme:

    • Art and culture

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