Art and culture 

Galisteo Mudéjar Apse

This construction is remarkable in that it reveals the first strokes of the Gothic style which would mark the rest of Europe.

Romanesque style

Location and Contact:

Galisteo , Cáceres (Extremadura)
  • This construction is remarkable in that it reveals the first strokes of the Gothic style which would mark the rest of Europe.

    Although its origin is uncertain, it is believed that the Mudéjar apse of Galisteo already existed during the Roman occupation and proves the previous presence of Mudéjar Arabs in the municipality of the same name, in Cáceres province. The original parish church also bears witness to this. It follows the lines of Mudéjar design, in which the use of brick predominates. Another outstanding feature of this construction is the presence of two superposed floors, composed of series of blind mural arches and bowed semicircular arches on the lower floor and pointed ones on the upper floor. In spite of the fact that the Mudéjar apse follows the lines of the Romanesque style, it presents the first signs of Gothic art.

  • Construction:
  • Traditional architecture
  • Art period:
  • Mudejar

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